Thriving as an Introvert in the Business World

Did you know that we celebrated World Introvert Day on Jan 2? Yes, introverts are a special breed indeed, that they get to celebrate their own day each year.

Introverts are faced with many challenges, one of which is being misunderstood as shy and anti-social. With its many challenges and drawbacks, being an introvert by no means, mean that you cannot succeed…especially in business. Some psychologists defines an introvert as “someone who has a preference for minimally stimulating environments.” Now that’s a super-duper definition that we’re ready to accept.

This can be something fascinating, but sadly, introverts tend to believe the myths that society freely gives away (as though asked their opinions) that can steer the introverted mind in the wrong direction. One such myth is that introverts won’t succeed in business because they’re not go-getters and that extroverts are more likely to get ahead in the real world.

However, like just a few believers, we agree that introverts with their low-key personalities who are often misunderstood, simply need to understand that introversion can be managed. Gradually, with practice and persistent effort, introverts can learn to build on their quiet strength and succeed in their business ventures. So has it been for business masterminds and fellow introverts, Microsoft’s Bill Gates and uber-investor Warren Buffett.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is without its criticism, sees an introvert as someone who draws their energy from “dealing with the ideas, pictures, memories, and reactions that are inside [their] head, in [their] inner world.” Socially, they prefer to do things alone or with a few people they feel comfortable with. They are reflective and want to have a clear idea of what they’re doing before they act. And ideas are the most solid things for introverts; ideas are sometimes better than the real thing. 

Does this sound like you?

The Timely Entrepreneur Resource and Research Centre teaches introverts to take advantage of their advantages. We work with introverted entrepreneurs to help them understand their mode of work and realize their introverted superpower so as to succeed and thrive in their business.

If you would like to work with us on our "Thriving as an Introvert in the Business World ™” programme, call our offices at 868 488 0507 or 868 760 6221 to start your journey to Introvert Success!



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Cherise Castle-Blugh is the author of The Timely Entrepreneur Series and the Director of Entrepreneur Services at The Timely Entrepreneur®. She has been working to grow the Trinidad and Tobago Entrepreneurial community, creating resources and events to support entrepreneurs.